Monday, April 23, 2007


I discovered the name the other day for a little dessert donut-hole type thing that I really like—Gulabojabo. That makes me like it even more—I mean really, they're just donut holes, but the name just brings it to a whole other level. Anything with a name like that is instant awesome.



Kristy said...

Dude, my family used to make doughnut holes for FHE dessert all the time when I was a little girl. They don't make them much anymore Monday nights, because of the whole frying-in-oil-isn't-the-best-thing-for-you deal, but still, those bring back memories. But maybe if I inform them that the real name is Gulabojabo, they'll make them again.

Rolfo said...

I think you've got some serious persuasive powers on yours hands with that name. Just have them say it once. Gulabojabo!