Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bodily fluids and you

I have learned the hard way that one should always believe a child when they say they are feeling sick to their stomach—even if in every other circumstance they tend to try to exaggerate or lie to get out of work. Because that kid, THIS time, might actually BE sick to his stomach. My classroom floor can testify to the reality of this hard, sticky, something-with-beef-in-it truth.

The janitor side of Mr. Straubhaar-the-4th-grade-teacher cannot wait for Martin Luther King day.


hoolia goolia said...

Dude. That sounds simultaneously adorable (the kid, not the puke) and revolting. You are quite the long-suffering Teacher Extraordinaire!

And a big fat serious YAY for the three-day weekend.

Sammers said...


However...not being the one mopping/sponging/shop-vacuuming/chiseling/scraping the remnants...I have to admit that my first reaction upon reading this post was a guffawing donkey laugh.

Something With Beef In It - that's my new band name.

Kristy said...

His wife can't wait for holiday with her husband, either...

And hey, Sam--what can I do to join Something with Beef in It? I mean, I've studied Colbert's guitar riffs and everything.